Friday 15 June 2012

Way over my head

Ok, so Josh somehow got his hands on this file. I'm not asking any questions.

I can barely make out the words. Josh thinks there's more to this than meets the eye and then spewed some technical gobbledegook about audio files and stuff...I have no idea what he's talking about it's so over my head.


  1. What does this mean!?

  2. Where did Josh get this from? Was this hacked off of the liber8 website? And if so what part of it? And what's more, why would anyone use that high of a bitrate. You should need 100Kbps max for audio, 786Kbps is just excessive.

  3. use after effect much?

  4. This is the hardest one yet. Seems like everyone is stumped so far. Does Josh have any additional info for you about the file?

  5. this was really hard to figure out!

  6. actually mindfantasic the picture hidden inside the video came out great, I ripped the flv file then converted it to a .wav file and it work perfectly

  7. im lost i cant find any codes anywhere now iv looked on all the sites

  8. Do you have anything new to share?

  9. Where do you get the original sound file? I'd love to play with it
